Before you contact us make sure you have the following information. It always helps us to know you better and advise you about the tentative amount of monetary fund that is needed for a particular project.
1. Name.
2. Contact Information.
3. Profile of your organisation.
4. Concept note: This is essentially required so that we understand what exactly you want. It might contain the points, which you want to reveal through the audiovisual representation. It must also have brief synopsis about theme, philosophy and goal of your work.
5. Number of Locations: This should contain very briefly the number of locations and distance (air, rail, ship and road) between each other that you want to show in your audiovisual representation.
6. Screen Time: This gives the final screen time, that you want the audiovisual representation to be, e.g. it could be 10-minute promotional film or 25- minute documentary or a full length feature film. For still photography number of slides, to be prepared, should be mentioned clearly.
7. Duration of the project: This is very important because here you mention the tentative number of days our team works for your project. This of course subject to change depending on the negotiation with you considering the practical and technical implications.
8. Transport, Food and Lodging: We travel everywhere depending on the requirement of your project. So we always need cars for our team to move from place to place within the location and the arrangement for long distance travel to reach the site. Besides we also need information about food arrangement for our team. If you do not have any idea about this, please do not worry since most of the time we can take care of ourselves with the help of our production manager.
9. Genre: You may mention what type (e.g. promotinal film, documenatry, ad-film, full length feature film or anything) of project you want to make. You can also leave this matter on us to decide it for you.
10. Don't worry, we take care of everything if you want: Even if you have no time or do not want to gather so many information for us, you can leave it exclusively on us to do everything for you. We can arrange everything for you even if you have very short time at your disposal. So just knock us and see the difference. In case of any doubt or query please do not hesitate to contact us at
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